Artificial Intelligence will revolutionize avocado harvest.

Artificial Intelligence will revolutionize avocado harvest.


Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are taking place to use it as a tool to detect when an avocado has reached its optimum level of maturity, all to create more sustainable agriculture. 


The tool known as Avocado 360° is born out of a necessity to counter the negative environmental effects caused by extensive avocado production. An objective has been set to ensure the optimization of the avocado harvest to guarantee harvest just when the fruit is at its optimum maturity level.


This project in development will consist in implementing AI techniques such as machine learning, to predict the optimum degree of ripeness in avocados.


These techniques are based on the analysis of various data sources, such as the evolution of the microclimate of the evaluated farms, the phenological responses of the crop, and the different observations of pests and possible diseases.


The technique is currently being perfected to increase the potential for successful results during the validation stage and thus improve both the prediction models and the quality of the data used to feed them information, as well as the reliability, protection, and ease of use of the sensor technology employed and its interaction with the user through a mobile app.


The possibility of eliminating the high costs represented by current techniques to determine the maturity of the fruit, improve the quality of the product that reaches the final consumer, enhance the competitiveness of companies and the agri-food industry, as well as the reduction of the environmental impact generated by this activity, are all amongst the benefits of this project.


The development of this digital tool is the second phase of an interdisciplinary project called Evocato. This project is coordinated by the Spanish cluster OnTech Innovation, funded by the Government of Spain which began the first phase through the Avocado Streaming initiative.


I believe that the use of this digital instrument will be easy, intuitive, and non-invasive; and by incorporating artificial intelligence, it will save time and resources in the determination of the avocado’s dry matter. He also considers that the digitalization of the irrigation process will be crucial for the optimization of water resources and the prevention and containment of droughts.


This is about being one step closer to sustainable agriculture, which its key goal is to satisfy the needs of present and future generations, as well as to guarantee profitability, social and economic equity, and the preservation of the environment.

Continue reading: Luis Doporto Alejandre: Retos importantes en la exportación del aguacate